What if dinner isn’t coming?

Help improve a homeless student’s life.

In our own community, there are boys and girls who go to bed hungry every night. They have enough challenges going through the stresses of living on the streets. Being hungry just adds to their anxiety and stress.

Many homeless families cannot afford to provide their children with adequate meals. For many of these children, the only meals they obtain are through their school’s breakfast or lunch programs.

Homeless Engagement Lift Partnership is intervening to fill these hunger gaps with daily afternoon nutritional snack bags ( HelpSnackz ). We work with the school districts’ Homeless Liaison to identify which schools, and how many of these students need our support.

The most effective way to intersect with the homeless children and their families, is through the schools. We feel it is the most efficient way to reach the families. This program is a stepping stone in assisting the families to break the cycle of homelessness. It started with the Helpsnackz Program.

Helpsnackz Events

Come join in on the fun and help us assemble bags of food (Helpsnackz) for “At Risk”, displaced and homeless children in our community. Family friendly.

sign up for Helpsnackz Events

Feed a Student in need for $18 a Month


H.E.L.P. to Program

Be a H.E.L.P.Snackz Champion

Our bags are more than just a snack, they are decorated with positive affirmations made with LOVE that make a positive difference in these children’s lives. Sometimes this is the only meal these children get at night, and the inspirational message can go much farther than any of us would ever imagine. After these bags are filled with nutritious snacks, they are distributed to children in need.

We are asking for your group’s help in designing the snack bags with powerful uplifting sayings (from the approved list), along with all of their talented, beautiful artwork (HAVE FUN – use markers, stickers, etc.-totally optional)

By Hosting an event you will be impacting so many lives:

  • Making a positive difference in children’s lives with decorated positive affirmations made with LOVE
  • Bringing people together to give back to the community with their volunteered time
  • You’re educating others about the need of helping ‘At-Risk’ children in the community

Click below on how to be a H.E.L.P.Snackz Champion

Read More

Other Helpsnackz volunteer opportunities

  • Looking for Volunteers to join both our adults and JR Team.
  • Helpsnackz Drivers

Interested in finding out more, please email us at [email protected]


Working together to feed homeless students